Friday, September 11, 2015

Khushoo in Salah

 Dr. BM Benojir Ahmed, Consultant Homeopath. To see the list of homeopath trained by Prof. George Vithoulkas, the Best Homeopath of the World Click here.

While thinking about this topic, I started mentally rewinding all the series and lectures, books or articles I had heard/read about khushoo and its importance in salah. However, what I soon realized was that it didn’t matter how much I read or how many lectures I listened to, the effect of having khushoo only lasted for a few prayers but was not a consistent element in my salah.
For those who are not really sure what ‘khushoo’ is, it’s most often translated as sincerity and concentration during salah, where you focus only on speaking with your Creator and not getting distracted by worldly affairs.
A famous speaker portrayed a very powerful and beautiful definition of khushoo. He said khushoo is a feeling when your limbs and mind become numb, when you can’t think or hear about anything else around you because you are standing in front of the King, the Master and speaking to Him.
Sadly, there have been instances when I rush through the salah and sometimes even forget if I am praying the 3rd rakat or the 4th one! In trying to figure out where I was going wrong repeatedly, I narrowed down on the following points, which I hope helps you to develop khushoo when you pray next time, insha’Allah.
1. Get into the grove even before prayer begins:
Imagine how we would plan for a meeting or an interview. We would begin with checking if we are dressed properly, if our papers are ready and if we have perfected our speech. We would probably even repeat the speech many times over to make ourselves look prepared and confident.
Imagine the amount of pre-preparation we have to do to talk in front of the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth! So, in order to focus in salah, let us prepare even before we actually start praying. Condition your mind and nafs to get into the grove by:
  • Repeating after the adhaan
  • Reciting the dua after adhaan
  • Doing wudhoo with concentration
  • Dressing nicely! (You are presenting yourself in front of your Lord, remember?)
  • And, most importantly, pray on TIME.
2. Learn something new:
Try learning a new short surah or maybe even a few verses from a long surah. Recite the same after fatihah. This way, you are automatically forced to concentrate on reciting something new. In turn, you will be keeping your heart and mind vigilant. This is an extremely powerful tool to prevent your mind from wandering away into thinking about other inconsequential matters while praying.
3. Don’t steal while praying:
Abu Qutaadah RAu said: “The Prophet SAWS said:
‘The worst type of thief is the one who steals from his prayer.’ He said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, how can a person steal from his prayer?’ He said, ‘By not doing rukoo’ and sujood properly.’” 1
When treating salah as a form of physical movement, we tend to rush through to get over with it! But, we lose the blessings of performing salah here. While performing sujood, spend a couple of minutes extra to make dua. Bow your heart along with your body and submit to the Highest Power. Allow humility and peace to enter your heart and mind while praying rather than being worried about what meal to prepare or what task to complete at office.
While getting up from sujood, sit up straight and then go back into sujood position slowly, rather than slamming your forehead to the ground in quick succession. Feel relaxed and allow each bone in your body to feel at ease. Salah gives you a free ticket to talk to the King of Heavens and the Earth, acknowledge the fact that it is a graceful and powerful meeting!
4. Learn the language:
Well, the main reason why most of us find it difficult to concentrate in salah is because we fail to realize the magnanimity of the occasion, fail to realize whom we are speaking to and in most cases, don’t even understand what we are reciting because most of us are not native Arabs.
The best way to develop khushoo is to learn the language. If you don’t find the time or the means to learn Arabic, you can start by learning the meaning of the surahs that you generally recite during prayer. Try listening to the tafseers of those surahs and you will automatically realize the beauty of each letter mentioned in the Glorious Quran, helping you concentrate on every single word being uttered in salah, making you crave for more, insha’Allah.
5. Perfect your relationship with Allah
Allah SWT says:
“… and establish prayer for My remembrance”. (Surah Taha 20:14)
This is the Lord, the All Mighty, All Powerful asking us to pray so that we remember Him?! Is there any moment in your life when you forget your own families or kids? Now, how is it that we forget the Creator, the one who created our families and kids?
You might be wondering why I’m talking about perfecting our relationship with Allah SWTon the same lines as that of khushoo. Ever noticed how close we get with friends when we get to know them better? A phone call or an online chat with them becomes more important than anything else. Imagine how much more engrossed in salah we would be if we could develop the same kind of relationship (if not more) with our Lord ?
Our Rabb provides even after our disobedience, He loves us more than our own mothers do, He SWT descends down during the last part of the night waiting to see if His slaves ask anything from Him, so isn’t it time we perfect our relationship with Him SWT?
Understanding and allowing His Mercy and Love to enter our hearts will make our hearts humble, filling it with unimaginable love, automatically making us yearn for more chances to speak to the King, the All Merciful and Oft Forgiving, with complete concentration!
Start thinking about Allah SWT throughout the day and it will be easier to talk to Him SWTwhen you are given 5 chances to do so. Take the first step, and He will come running towards you!
6. Defeat Satan:
“Then I (Satan) will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].” (Surah Al-A’raf 7:17)
Satan has promised to annoy us and take us away from the straight path. We are given a challenge here to submit ourselves to our Lord and not let the Satan win. Salah is probably the most perfect time for Satan to distract us and he does end up succeeding on more occasions than one. Suddenly, an unfinished work seems more important and his whispers start getting louder. Crush the satanic whispers from within.
Stay away from haram, do not waste ‘free’ time, read beneficial books and do not make your mind a piece of meat for Satan to devour upon. Keep Satan at bay when you are not praying and you will automatically be successful in cutting out his whispers while praying insha’Allah.
7. How’s your dua list?
Most of the time, we end up asking the same set of duas with an added ‘demand’ here and there according to the situation we are in. Notice how we always have something new and exciting to share with our friends everyday? But, why is it that we tell the same stuff to our Lord in every single prayer? Speak to Him SWT with zeal, enthusiasm and humility. Start diversifying your dua list. Increase your time in sujood and make dua, don’t rush to finish tasleem and walk out. Ask dua constantly to increase khushoo levels.
Want to be successful? Here’s how:
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer humbly submissive (khaashi’oon)” (Surah Al-Mu’minun 23: 1-2)
In the aforementioned verses, Allah SWTsays those who have attained khushoo (khaashi’oon) are indeed successful. He doesn’t call them religious, He calls them successful. Notice the choice of words here?
When you manage to discipline your nafs, mind and heart in front of the Highest Power, it becomes easy to discipline yourself within the boundaries of Islam while dealing with worldly matters too, making you successful here and in the hereafter!
Know that you’ve experienced a small percentage of khushoo when:
  • You can only hear the words which you are uttering to our Lord and nothing else
  • When external noises are muted
  • When every single worry in your heart ceases to exist
  • When the beauty of Allah’s Mercy and the magnanimity of talking to Him SWT fills your heart with awe, so much so that you don’t want to complete your prayer and let the beautiful meeting end,
  • When your limbs get soaked in numbness
  • When you feel sad that your meeting and one-on-one conversation with Allah SWT is coming to an end during the last rakat
  • And, when you cry (without feeling embarrassed that someone might see you), making you yearn for the next salah!
May Allah SWT make us of those who are successful. May Allah SWTmake us of those who are the chosen ones in His eyes. May Allah SWT allow our hearts to taste the sweetness and beauty of this blessed religion. May Allah SWT make us of those who develop khushoo in every single prayer we are allowed to perform until our last breath! Ameen.
Please share your suggestions on attaining khushoo in the comments section below, insha’Allah.
  1.   Reported by Ahmad and al-Haakim, 1/229; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 997 ↩

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Piles Treatment with Homeopathy

What are Piles?
Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, are swollen or distended veins and muscle around anus or in anal canal. This is one of the so called surgical diseases where homoeopathy can successfully treat and reduce the use of scissors and give relief and many patients worldwide are enjoying the benefits of homoeopathy.  
Anal canal is a short, muscular tube with blood vessels that connects rectum with anus. Piles can develop when this tissue becomes swollen, possibly as a result of straining on the toilet. Sometimes, piles can be painful and bleed if they become damaged.
Anyone can get piles at any age, but they’re most common in people aged between 45 and 65. Piles are also common during and after pregnancy. They may develop due to changes in the hormones in the body and the increased pressure in abdomen. They usually get better once the baby is born.

Category of Piles:
Internal piles start inside anal canal, but they might hang down and so come out of anus.
  • 1st degree piles may bleed but don’t come out of the anus.
  • 2nd degree piles come out of the anus during bowel movement, but go back inside on their own afterwards.
  • 3rd degree piles come out of anus and only go back inside when patients push them in.
  • 4th degree piles are always partly outside the anus and patient can’t push them back in. They may become very swollen and painful if the blood inside them clots.
External piles are swellings that develop further down the anal canal, closer to anus. They can be very painful, especially if they have a blood clot in them.

Main Symptoms of Piles:
Piles don’t always cause pain or other symptoms. Symptoms include:
  • bleeding when patients has a bowel movement – patient may see blood on toilet paper or drips in the toilet or on the faeces
  • a lump in or around the anus
  • a slimy discharge of mucus from the anus, or leaking faeces
  • a feeling that bowels haven’t emptied completely
  • itchy or sore skin around anus
  • pain and discomfort after a bowel movement (in case of external piles)
Diagnosis of Piles:
Doctor will ask about patient’s symptoms and examine the patient. Doctor will feel the rectum by gently inserting a gloved finger into anus. He may also use a proctoscope to look inside the rectum.
Further, patients may need to have a blood test to check if the patients have anaemia. This is a low number of red blood cells in the blood. Anaemia can be a sign that the patient has a more serious condition.
Based on the test results, more tests can be done to rule out other conditions, such as cancer.
Why do piles occur?
Piles may be due to:
  • Chronic constipation
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Pregnancy
  • Straining when passing a stool
  • Inherited
Allopathic Treatment for Piles?
It is important to remember that allopathic medicines do not cure piles, they only treat the symptoms, reduce the discomfort and itching that many patients experience. A good doctor will initially recommend some lifestyle changes.
Diet - piles can be caused by too much straining when doing bowel movements, which is the result of constipation. A change in diet can help keep the stools regular and soft. This involves eating more fiber, such as fruit and vegetables, or switching the cereal breakfast to bran.
Water is the best drink, and the patient may be advised to increase water consumption. Experts suggest caffeine should be avoided.
Body weight - if the patient is obese, losing weight may help reduce the incidence and severity of hemorrhoids.
Ointments, creams, pads and other OTC medications - some of them contain witch hazel, hydrocortisone, or some other active ingredient which can relieve symptoms of itching and pain.
Corticosteroids - these can reduce inflammation and pain.
Painkillers - ask the pharmacist for suitable painkilling medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Laxatives - the doctor may prescribe one if the patient suffers from constipation.
Banding - the doctor places an elastic band around the base of the pile inside the anus, cutting off its blood supply. After a few days the hemorrhoids fall off. This can work for grades 2 and 3 hemorrhoids.
Sclerotherapy - a medicine is injected to make the hemorrhoid shrink - the hemorrhoid eventually shrivels up. This is effective for grades 2 and 3 hemorrhoids, and is a useful alternative to banding.
Infrared coagulation - also referred to as infrared light coagulation. Used for grades 1 or 2 hemorrhoids. A device burns the hemorrhoid tissue.
Surgery - used for particularly large piles, or grades 3 or 4 hemorrhoids. Generally, surgery is used if other procedures were not effective.

Frequently Prescribed Homeopathic Medicines:  
§  Aesculus hippocastanum- is a frequently indicated remedy in piles. There is intense dryness and heat of rectum, sensation of knife like pain, as if full of small sticks, excessive burning in anus. But the main characteristic is that the piles are mostly non bleeding. There is severe backache and extremely irritability which is almost always associated.
§  Aloe socotrina- an wonderful remedy in plies, where the haemorrhoids look like a bunch of grapes, there is constant bearing down sensation, profuse bleeding, sore pain and heat which is relieved by cold water. There is intense itching and burning in anus which prevents sleep. Along with this other peculiar features of aloe like, poor sphincter control, excessive gas and stomach pain, diarrhea are to be searched.
§  Arsenicum album – haemorrhoidal pain is like stitching when walking or sitting but not peculiarly at stool. There is intense burning heat of rectum which is ameliorated by heat. There is extreme weakness and exhaustion in patient.
§  Collinsonia Canadensis – is an excellent medicine for piles in women. Haemorrhoids arising in latter months of pregnancy or delivery. Piles are chronic, painful and bleeding. It is associated with palpitation which often alternates with piles.
§  Hamamelis verginica – medicine most frequently comes in mind when the bleeding is excessive. There is burning, soreness, heaviness, anus feels raw, of bluish appearance and there is backache. There is tendency to haemorrhage from other orifices as well.
§  Ignatia – excellent for grade II or grade III piles. There is prolapse every time after stool which has to be replaced. There are sharp stitches in rectum, more when the stool is loose and remains for hours after stool. Prolapse is easy, even when stooping of lifting something. Mental symptoms of ignatia are to be noted.
§  Muriatic acid – piles in persons with great debility who become extremely exhausted from every attempt at stool. Haemorrhoids blue, swollen, extremely painful and sensitive. So sensitive and sore that even least touch of sheet is uncomfortable. Advance cases where prolapse is easy, even when trying to urinate. There is involuntary passage of stool when patient urinates.
§  Nitric acid – though usually used for piles, it is more popular when it is associated with fissure, as there is intense pain after stool, so painful so as to prevent sitting in chair. Strong smelling urine, peculiar mental irritability and night aggravation are to be matched always. It is a deep acting remedy in fact.
§  Nux vomica – almost exclusively effective for all kinds of piles. Overall Nux picture like the peculiar careless and high life style, lot of addictions, gastric troubles and excessive irritability are enough to select the remedy.
§  Ruta graveolens – for prolapsed grade II, III or IV piles. Prolapse is very easy, on attempting a passage, from slightest stooping, after pregnancy. More frequently indicated for colorectal carcinoma.
§  Sulphur – a deep acting and useful medicine used in many cases of piles when other remedies are not well responding. General indications of sulphur are more useful in selection rather than searching particular symptoms of piles.
§  Syphilinum – useful in piles with prolapse and fissure.  There is a positive syphilitic history, aggravation at night, extreme forgetfulness and an extra ordinary craving for alcohol which is often hereditary.
§  Thuja occidentalis – another useful medicine indicated in cases where there is swollen pile with fissure and excessive pain on sitting. Anus is often surrounded by flat warts.

There are 156 medicines to treat piles. A qualified and experienced Homeopath only knows which one best suits for individual patients. NEVER TREAT YOURSELF.

Other advice:

·        A healthy lifestyle
·        Lot of fibres in diet and minimum spices
·        Regular warm water bath will help patient a lot
·        Never strain at stool to clear your bowel.
·        Avoid laxatives
·        Regular Exercise.

Complications linked to piles
Anemia - hemorrhoids can sometimes cause long-term blood loss, which may lead to anemia.
Stangulated hemorrhoid - the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is cut off, causing severe pain, and even gangrene (death of tissue).

Dr. BM Benojir Ahmed
Consultant Homeopath
Cell: +8801733797252

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Treating Asthma with Homeopathy

Treating asthma is a great challenge. But a homeopath never thinks that it cannot be cured. For treating asthma with homeopathy we have to pay attention to lots of issues. In this article it will be discussed basically how homeopathy or homeopathic treatment is effective in treating asthma which is now a days a very common and chronic ailment all over the world. The orthodox medicine has already declared asthma as incurable. But experience and research shows that there are lots of possibilities in treating asthma with homeopathy. In all the cases we must have to proceed with a holistic approach. We have to consider the physical, emotional, mental and the spiritual aspect of every patient. We must consider that we have to treat the patient as a whole; we have to treat the whole human organism.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic illness relating the airways in the lungs. These airways, or bronchial tubes, allow air to come in and out of the lungs. The airways of an asthma patient are always inflamed. They become even more swollen and the muscles around the airways can tighten when something triggers the patient’s symptoms. This makes it difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs, causing symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and/or chest tightness.

Major Asthma Symptoms

According to the leading experts in asthma, the symptoms of asthma and the best treatment for asthma patients especially for the children may be quite different than for someone else with asthma. The most common symptom of asthma is wheezing. This is a scratchy or whistling sound when the patient breathes. Major symptoms include:
• Shortness of breath
• Chest tightness or pain
• Chronic coughing
• Trouble sleeping due to coughing or wheezing

Other symptoms of asthma are the following

• Coughing that is constant or that is made worse by viral infections, happens while the patient especially the child is asleep, or is triggered by exercise and cold air
• Wheezing or whistling sound when the patient exhales
• Shortness of breath or rapid breathing, which may be associated with exercise
• Chest tightness (young child may say that his chest “hurts” or “feels funny”)
• Fatigue (child may slow down or stop playing)
• Problems feeding or grunting during feeding (infants)
• Avoiding sports or social activities
• Problems sleeping due to coughing or difficulty breathing

Allopathic Treatment of Asthma

There is no cure for asthma, but symptoms can be controlled with effective asthma treatment and management. This involves taking medications as directed and learning to avoid triggers that cause the patient’s asthma symptoms. An allergist will prescribe the best medications for the asthmatic condition and provide the patient with specific instructions for using them.

Controller medications are taken daily and include inhaled corticosteroids (fluticasone (Flovent Diskus, Flovent HFA), budesonide (Pulmicort Flexhaler), mometasone (Asmanex), ciclesonide (Alvesco), flunisolide (Aerobid), beclomethasone (Qvar) and others).

Combination inhalers contain an inhaled corticosteroid plus a long-acting beta-agonist (LABA). LABAs are symptom-controllers that are helpful in opening the airways. However, in certain people they may carry some risks.

Homeopathic Treatment of Asthma Patient

From the above discussion, we can conclude that asthma is not curable in allopathic medicine. But Homeopathic medicine has so many things to do. Homeopathy considers lots of related issues. Genetic predisposition, family or personal history of some diseased conditions is very important. If there is family or personal history of recurrent asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis then we have to pay special attention to the patients. Further, we see lots of asthma cases where mental and emotional conditions affect asthma patients seriously. We do not need to analyze only the allergic triggers as an allergist does. We have seen that emotional conditions like silent grief, disappointed love etc. create a sort of suffocation in the emotional level which later on acts as a trigger to asthma.

In homeopathy, the homeopath always individualizes the patient and does not treat only the asthma. He must have to adopt the holistic approach. He will always consider the accompanying or the concomitant symptoms of the patient. There are so many things in the mental and emotional levels.
The following symptoms may play significant role in treating asthma, we should say the asthma patient.

Generally, the asthma patients have the following symptoms which are directly associated with asthma, cough and some general symptoms. The general symptoms are different in every patient. Most of the patients are affected by dust.

One of the peculiar mental/emotional symptoms is asthmatic respiration after anger, mortification or fright, grief, disappointed love.

There is a tendency that if the patients’ skin eruptions are suppressed earlier, most of the time they get asthma in the long run. These patients have the history of suppressing the skin eruptions by allopathic treatment. Sometime we see the asthma is associated with eruptive diseases.

The time modalities are a significant factor in treating asthma. Asthmatic respiration may take place in the daytime, morning, early in the morning, forenoon, noon, afternoon, evening, evening in bed, night, particular hours after midnight or any particular hours of day and night. The treatment will be different as the time modalities are different for every patients.

The asthma may have the weather modalities. Again, for every patient it is different. It may be aggravated or ameliorated by cold air, open air, change of weather, cold or hot weather, cold or hot room, damp weather, windy weather and cold wet weather. Some patients may want to open the windows; some must sit by the window to feel better, some cannot tolerate open air. The patient may feel warm in a warm room and becomes deathly pale and must remain quiet. Entering a warm room from open air can change the condition some patients. A few patients may want to be fanned to feel better.

Asthmatic symptoms may develop when the patient has particular movement of the body for example- bends his body or his arm backward/forward, but it may also be ameliorated by the same activity. Sometimes patient has to bend his head backward and must rise up and bend his head backwards to get a short relief. Ascending or descending also aggravates or ameliorates the symptoms.

Motion especially slow or rapid motion is also a factor. Motion of arms or any sort of physical exertion or exercise may trigger the symptoms.

In the same way standing positions like normal standing, standing in water may aggravate the symptoms. Walking may make the symptoms better or worse. Sometimes walking rapidly may make the patients better or worse.

Symptoms of asthma may arise if expectoration is checked and the patient may feel better if there is expectoration or coryza or discharges. Coryza should never be checked by allopathic medicine.
Positions of the body also influence the symptoms. For example, sitting, standing, and walking. These also make the symptoms better and worse in particular patients. The posture include sitting, sitting bent backwards, sitting bent forwards, half sitting, sitting upright, sitting with head bent forward on knees etc.

Position of lying of the patient plays an important role. The patient’s conditions may be better or worse if he is lying on the back or abdomen, lying on the back with arms outstretched, lying on the back with shoulders elevated, lying on right or left side.

Symptoms may occur before sleep, when falling asleep, after short sleep, during and after sleep. The patient can also be awakened from sleep to avoid suffocation. Sometimes we see that if the patient’s head touch the pillow, difficulty in respiration starts. So he has to jump from bed.

Female patient may get asthma during pregnancy or delivery or with every labor pain. Some patients experience difficult respiration along with pain in heart.

The patient may experience panting, rattling or wheezing respiration. These may be associated with cough which may be choking, suffocative in nature. Patient may vomit on coughing.

Asthma patients most of the time have a tendency to take cold from the childhood. There is a history of tuberculosis or recurrent bronchitis in the family and personal life of the patient. These conditions are controlled by allopathic drugs which in the long run cause asthma.

So we can see that there are lot of issues a homeopath needs to consider in asthma patient.

Following are the most used medicine

Any homeopathic medicine if prescribed correctly will help the patient to cure. Depending on the previous treatment and suppressing factors, family history some patients need long time comparing to others to reach a final cure. Some important medicines are:

Aconite, Apis mel, Antim tart, Arsenicum album, Bryonia alb, Carbo veg, Cuprum, Drosera, Hydrocyanic acid, Ipecacuanha, Kali bichromicum, Kali carb, Lachesis, Lobelia, Lycopodium, Moschus, Natrum Sulph, Nux vomica, Sambucus, Spongia, Sulpher, Viscum Alb, Zingiber.

Dr. BM Benojir Ahmed
Consultant Homeopoath

Monday, March 9, 2015

Homeopathy in Arthritis Treatment

Before I write what homeopathy can do to treat patients we have to see what arthritis really is? Arthritis is actually a complex family of musculoskeletal disorders consisting of more than 100 different diseases or conditions that can affect people of all ages, races and genders.

Arthritis can take many forms, but three of the common diseases that make up arthritis are:
  • Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, is a progressive degenerative joint disease characterized by the breakdown of joint cartilage associated with risk factors, such as overweight/obesity, history of joint injury and age.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), a systemic disease characterized by the inflammation of the membranes lining the joint, which causes pain, stiffness, warmth, swelling and sometimes severe joint damage.
  • Juvenile Arthritis (JA) is an umbrella term used to describe the many autoimmune and inflammatory conditions that can develop in children ages 16 and younger.
Let us see what homeopathic treatment can do to treat arthritis.
Homeopathy is a science of individualization. While taking the case we must give utmost importance to seek individual information of the patients. If we find a clear case with strong and clear modalities, there is a greater chance to cure the case. In the following example we will see what information we exactly need in order to cure arthritis patients.

First of all, we need the following information about the pattern of arthritis:

We have to examine whether the patient is suffering from arthritic nodosities or not. Discoloration of joints especially redness of joint is a remarkable symptoms. There may be heat in the affected parts along with inflammation. There may be wandering or shifting pain in the joints that can take place at any particular time of day i.e. particular hours in the morning or night. The joint pain may be alternating with heart symptoms. Sometimes we see pain in the joints along with offensive smelling in the urine. The joint pain may be worse in bed, after exposure to cold, from taking cold, in cold weather, damp weather. The joint pain may be like gouty type which alternates with asthma or with pain in the forehead. There are some peculiar modalities. The pain may be aggravated while lying in the bed especially in the left side. It can also be aggravated during any kind of motion or it may be ameliorated during motion. The patient may feel better if the area of pain is given gentle or hard pressure. Sometimes we see the joints pain like rheumatic pain which is suppressed by gonorrhea. Small joints are affected which are worse while walking, any kind of warmth aggravate the condition. Sometimes warmth can ameliorate also. The patient may be aggravated by warmth of bed. Some seasons may be very difficult for the arthritis patients especially in the winter or damp weather. Small joints are affected with gouty type pain in the knee. There is aching pain in the knee joints. The rheumatic pains of the joints are sometimes stitching especially in the evening. There is also stiffness and swelling of different joints.

Then it is very significant that sometimes there is eye inflammation alternating with swelling of feet. We also see diarrhea alternating with rheumatism. Affections of the heart alternating with sediment in the urine is a critical condition. These are all peculiar to arthritis.

There are so many general modalities. These are:

The patient may generally feel better from cold applications, from lying on painful side, from continued motion or slow motion, from total rest, warm applications, from wet weather.

On the other hand, the situation of arthritis patients may be worsened by some general symptoms. These are:

Lying especially on sides (left or right side) or painful sides, at the beginning of motion can aggravate the patient’s condition. Sometimes warm application, change of weather, windy and stormy weather, wet weather or getting the feet wet may aggravate the patient. Stretching or tendency to stretch is an important symptom.

In some cases we see personal or family history of gonorrhea which was basically suppressed by allopathic treatment.

If we look into the above facts with minor details and analyze the case properly it may lead us to the correct remedy which can cure the patients.